
lmfit2 is availble in both C and Python, with each having a different installation procedure. The C version needs to be compiled against the RST package. The Python version is not a package, but instead a script.

We recommended that you use the C version. The Python version is only provided for testing purposes.

C Version Installation

First, install RST using this guide.

Next, obtain a copy of lmfit2 source code. Here we’ll assume you are using git, then compile the C source code:

git clone
cd ${BASEPATH}/lmfit2/C

After the build completes, a make_lmfit2 binary will be available in ${BASEPATH}/lmfit2/C/bin. You can add this location to your user path or you can copy the binary to an existing location on your path.

Test the C binary

To make sure that the installation was successful, you can execute a unit test located in ${BASEPATH}/lmfit2/C/tests:

cd ${BASEPATH}/lmfit2/C/tests
bash test.bash

This might take a minute and should result in no errors if everything is working as it should.

Python Version Installation

The python version depends on the lmfit python library. You can install it using pip, like so:

pip install lmfit

The python version is not set up to be a python package, instead it is intened to be used as a script. To “install” it, simply copy both the and python files to wherever you want to them to be.

Test the Python Code

Assuming that you have grabbed the source code for lmfit2 using git (see the above section: C Version Installation), navigate to the lmfit2/python directory and run:

python tests/

This will take a minute or two and should result in no errors if everything is working as it should.